廠商類型: 進口商

關於我們/ About us 美亞企業有限公司於2013年在台北設立,成立宗旨是與所有台灣民眾分享我們真心熱愛的各項產品。為了讓大家有更多高品質的選擇,我們前往世界各地深入考察、千挑萬選,堅持只有最好的東西才與最好的朋友分享。 我們對於所代理的品牌充滿熱情,每項產品皆獨一無二,更為不同品項之最,而跳脫框架思考更讓我們發掘新奇事物、隨時保持熱情!  Hexi Corporation Ltd. is an importer established in Taipei, Taiwan in 2013. We focus on high quality products we are passionate about and have a potential place in the Taiwanese market. At HX we carefully select our products because it is our goal to share with the Taiwanese people the beauty and diversity of flavors that can be found in other latitudes. We have immense passion towards our brands because we found in them something special and different from what traditional channels offer, and we believe that thinking outside of the box is essential to keep discovering new and exciting things. 品牌/ Brands Ron Abuelo Panama Rum / 老爺巴拿馬蘭姆酒 老爺巴拿馬蘭姆酒見證了小村莊發展成大城鎮的歷史。1908年西班牙移民荷西老爺(Don José)決定在自然資源豐富的佩塞(Pese)投入甘蔗種植,建立了聖伊西德羅莊園(Hacienda San Isidro),至今這超過1000英畝肥沃土地所產的甘蔗更為巴拿馬蘭姆酒提供最高品質的保障。現任第三代莊主路易斯•維瑞拉(Luis Varela)傳承了祖先們的百年製法,全力維護巴拿馬蘭姆酒的傳統及口碑。 維瑞拉家族生產全世界最高品質的蘭姆酒-老爺巴拿馬蘭姆酒,不只堅持古法製造、嚴格把關品質,更擴大甘蔗種植並支持當地社區發展。老爺巴拿馬蘭姆酒決心要當巴拿馬大使,透過品牌讓全世界更加認識這頂級產品的生產地-巴拿馬。 The history of Ron Abuelo is the history of a small village that became a town. It all started in 1908 in the small village of Pese, located in a very fertile valley, where this young Spanish immigrant settled to participate in the thriving business of sugarcane cultivation. He went on to established Hacienda San Isidro that now produces the very flesh for the confection of the rum’s soul in more than a thousand acres of sugarcane. Today, third generation Luis Varela continues the Varela Hermanos legacy of tradition and quality after nearly a century after Don José began his journey in the spirits industry. Varela Hermanos focuses on the production of one of the best rums in the world: Ron Abuelo. That is why it maintains its commitment to its heritage, traditions and authenticity, expanding family ownership of sugarcane plantations and supporting the local community. Acting as ambassadors of Panama, they aim to make the whole world know their fine rums, as well as their country of origin. RON CORTEZ RUM / 征服者巴拿馬蘭姆酒 西班牙征服者埃爾南·科爾特斯(Hernán Cortez)是發現巴拿馬重要地理位置的首位人士。他在1524年發現巴拿馬的潛力戰略位置後,立即向當時的西班牙國王卡洛斯五世(Carlos V)報告,而此款蘭姆酒就是以他命名。 巴拿馬坐享大西洋和南海域,更為全球四方交通必經之路,400年後巴拿馬運河的建立更讓巴拿馬成為全球樞紐,至今巴拿馬不只是運輸及經貿重地,更是種族和文化的大熔爐。 征服者巴拿馬蘭姆酒為一款白蘭姆酒,口味溫和清爽,清新的風味非常適合與可口可樂、通寧水、蘇打水或各種熱帶果汁作調酒飲用。 The Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortez, who we honor with this product, was the first to foresee the strategic importance of the Panamanian Isthmus, communicating to Carlos V – King of Spain in the year 1524 – the value of the union of the Atlantic Ocean and the South Sea; this was achieved almost 400 years later with the construction of the Panama Canal. From those times, Panama has been a location of transit, commerce and mixture of race and culture. Ron Cortez Blanco, is a clear rum, extraordinarily soft and light. Its subtle aroma and delicate flavor mix well with coca cola, tonic water, club soda and tropical fruit juices.

聯絡我們/Contact us


美亞企業有限公司/Hexi Corporation Ltd.



台灣/Taiwan: +886 979-017-563

巴拿馬/Panama: +507 838-7053    


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